Allan Gold, Attorney, retirement counselor, lecturer and author.
Mr. Gold is experienced in the areas of commercial-corporate law, civil/elder law, and litigation Always an enthusiastic exponent for the well-being of those over 45, he has been focusing his writing in the areas of retirement planning and elder law.
Mtre Gold holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University and a Bachelor of Civil Law degree also from McGill. He was recognized as a member of the Quebec Bar in the mid-1970s and has been in practice for 40+ years. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Fondation Du CSS Cavendish (formerly Julius Richardson Hospital Foundation), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was a Governor of the Fondation Du Barreau Du Québec. He did serve as:
- Member of the Consultative Committee on Long-Term Care (former), Centre De Sante Et De Services Sociaux (Csss) Cavendish/Health And Social Services Centre Cavendish, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Association For Adult Learning (QAAL)
- Member of the Board of Directors of The JuliusRichardsonHospital
Areas of Specialization:
- Commercial-corporate (Business) law. Mtre Gold understands the founder-owner of a family business: This is an individual, who, by means of fierce will power and very hard work, started the company and built it from the ground up! For him or her, quality was (and still is) job #1. Customer satisfaction is the primary goal. In the early days, he/she showed single-mindedness and great perseverance, always intent on getting more sales, this to pay the bills and grow the enterprise. Now proud of a small, independent business, born out of blood, sweat and tears and having achieved success, he/she is now looking to take it to the next level or seeking an exit strategy and/or transition to the next generation.
- Litigation – Mtre Gold says, “Just like with news media, the first step is to get the facts. And then, one needs to follow that up with good preparation, this to make your case as solid and complete as possible.”
- Civil-elder law. As an attorney, Mtre Gold has acted for the senior or a family member. His practice has included the following: Family business & the founder-owner selling/retiring, Pensions & annuities, Wills & Estates, Mandate in case of incapacity, Power of attorney, elder care (long term homes-residences/personal care) and disputes/court actions of the nature of homologation of a mandate, declaration of incapacity, curatorship, claim of employed caregiver, etc. Indeed, he is passionate about the well-being of seniors and earnest in fighting in their defense, asking for the enforcement of their legal rights, seeking the recovery of damages, etc.
Publications & Conferences:
Mtre Gold is an author.
He writes a blog, titled, “Gold’s Legal Minute*GLM* – please visit
“ Elder Law in Canada**ELIC**”, ground breaking (2,500+ page) legal text, , acquired by legal libraries, Bar Associations, and Law Schools. (For testimonials, excerpts etc, please visit
“Estate Document Professor** EDP** (Part of the* series), informing Canadians everywhere about greater estate preparedness, covering: Last will and testament (will); Power of attorney (POA); Advance medical directive (living will); Trust; Organ donation consent; Estate Inventory and Distribution Survey(For testimonials, excerpts etc, please visit
Mtre Gold had been a panelist, presenter, speaker, lecturer, etc.
- Panelist at conference titled, « Soirée d’information et de réflexion VIVRE ET MOURIR DANS LA DIGNITÉ » presented on May 25th 2011 by
- Presenter of Memorandum (written & oral) to the « COMMISSION SPÉCIALE SUR LA QUESTION DE MOURIR DANS LA DIGNITÉ », L’ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE – QUÉBEC, February 2011
- Speaker at SYNAGOGUE COUNCIL OF GREATER MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, Dec, 2009
- Speaker at the “Transformation Through Lifelong Learning: a Path to Change” Conference of QUEBEC ASSOCIATION FOR ADULT LEARNING (QAAL) March 2009/ Montreal, Canada – Seminar: “45+ Learning: Why? And why now?*”
- Presenter at the CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELDER LAW, November 2008/Vancouver, Canada – Paper: “Guardianship, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly*”
- Speaker at MOUNT ROYAL SERVICES, November 2008/ Montreal, Canada – Seminar: “Retiring Successfully*”
- Interviewed and featured in Mike Boone’s column of the MONTREAL GAZETTE November 2008/Montreal, Canada
- ‘Featured’ in 2008 as regards Elder Law in Canada* in “Le Monde Juridique, le Magazine des Juristes du Québec”
- Speaker at several workshops for near-retirees of BELL CANADA (organized by the Diane King Group), 2000/Montreal, Canada -Lecture: “Founding and operating a new small business”
- Speaker at meeting of PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES, an international accounting franchise, November 1999/Montreal, Canada -Lecture: “Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreements”
- Member of the Quebec Bar
Contact Me
Avocat/Barrister & Solicitor
NO 1 Wood Avenue Condominium
4055 ouest rue Ste. Catherine, suite 128(-A),
Westmount, Québec, Canada H3Z 3J8
Adresse électronique:
Tel: (514) 849-1621; Fax: (514) 849-4664; Mobile: (514)918-1450
© 2020 Allan Gold– All Rights Reserved -ed.02/04/2020-001
* ©/TM 2020, 2019, 2015-2018, Allan Gold, Practitioners’ Press Inc. – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
** ©/TM 2006, 2008, 2018 Allan Gold, Practitioners’ Press Inc. – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED