Allan J Gold


Allan J Gold
(514) 849-1621

What Canada Can Make of US Charge of Elderly Exploitation brought as Felony **



Charged with Elder Abuse!

an eye-opening case



What Canada Can Make of US Charge of Elderly Exploitation brought as Felony **

Gold’s Legal Minute*GLM*

By Allan Gold, lawyer Montreal and elder law attorney

Vol. 15, #4 –Sept. 30, 2024


A woman has been indicted in the US for exploiting an elderly person. This eye-opening case is illustrative of what’s viewed as culpable behaviors. It’s helpful for Canadians wanting to identify elder abuse when they see it.

State of Georgia v. Marcee Gray

Dateline Fitzgerald Georgia – September 21, 2024 – As per Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Marcee Gray, 43, was indicted in connection with a domestic incident which allegedly took place months before in Ben Hill County. (N.B. “None of the allegations have been proven in court.”) As per police report, Gray’s 74-year-old mother told authorities that Gray had taken her phone, taped her to a chair and left her for nearly a full day. Gray was arrested in Barrow County on Nov. 6, two days after her mother was found. Gray was charged with exploiting an elderly person. As it happens, Gray is the mother of a Georgia teenager charged with fatally shooting four people at his high school. She was later quoted as saying, “What I put my mother through is inexcusable and horrifying…I will have to face the fallout of my actions for the rest of my life.”


The mistreatment of older people is a real concern! We shine a light on it today with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Let’s reflect on how we can make a safer Canada so that everyone can live with the dignity and respect they are entitled to. The mistreatment of older people, or elder abuse: – is physical, psychological, financial/material, or sexual violence or neglect; – occurs within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust; and – takes place when an act, word, attitude, or lack of appropriate action causes or risks causing negative consequences for an older person. Know the warning signs and how to report mistreatment of older people by watching this short video and visiting: ” – Hon. Seamus O’Regan Jr.  Minister of Labour and Seniors 2 (N.B. Sat. June 15, 2024 was World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2024. It’s theme was Spotlight on Older Persons in Emergencies.)



A forty-something daughter took her mother’s phone, taped her to a chair and left her for nearly a full day. Let’s analyze this! First, she applied restraints on her mother. Second, she intentionally stopped an aged parent from contacting anyone. The daylong duration is a critical element. The foregoing was termed as being an act of exploiting an elderly person.

If this case happened here, what then? I would argue that the case involves restraints which aren’t legal in this instance. Considering the duration of time, the physical control of a person’s mobility can be considered confinement against one’s will. The removal of the telephone makes this worse. The victim therefore endured isolation. The absence of regular monitoring of a restrained patient is highly neglectful.These illegalities suffered upon an elderly person contributes to a very grave act of exploitation.

In terms of our own law, let’s delve deeper into these elements.


Elder abuse means “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person. This definition has been adopted by the World Health Organization from a definition put forward by Hourglass in the UK.” 3

Abuse means “harm done to anyone by a person in a position of trust or authority.” 4

Elderly means “a person over the age of 65.” 4

Harm means “physical abuse (includes sexual abuse), psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect or any combination thereof.” 4

Incompetent means “a person incapable of managing their day-to-day [sic] affairs, thus making them vulnerable to abuse.” 4

Vulnerable person means “any adult who by nature of a physical, emotional, or psychological condition is dependent on other persons for care and assistance in day-to-day [sic] living.” 4

The Law

Next, let’s consider Canadian law relative to the issues raised in the Marcee Gray case. Hereinafter are several statutory provisions  applicable. I’m including some literature on topic. In addition, I’m providing a sampling of the jurisprudence with respect hereto. Courts apply the law. Judges interpret legislation – this interpretation becomes the standard – sets a precedent relevant in other cases.


Article 118.1 of Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux (Chapitre S-4.2) is reproduced as follows.

118.1. La force, l’isolement, tout moyen mécanique ou toute substance chimique ne peuvent être utilisés, comme mesure de contrôle d’une personne dans une installation maintenue par un établissement, que pour l’empêcher de s’infliger ou d’infliger à autrui des lésions. L’utilisation d’une telle mesure doit être minimale et exceptionnelle et doit tenir compte de l’état physique et mental de la personne.

Lorsqu’une mesure visée au premier alinéa est prise à l’égard d’une personne, elle doit faire l’objet d’une mention détaillée dans son dossier. Doivent notamment y être consignées une description des moyens utilisés, la période pendant laquelle ils ont été utilisés et une description du comportement qui a motivé la prise ou le maintien de cette mesure.

Tout établissement doit adopter un protocole d’application de ces mesures en tenant compte des orientations ministérielles, le diffuser auprès de ses usagers et procéder à une évaluation annuelle de l’application de ces mesures. 1997, c. 75, a. 49.”

On topic, Protecteur du citoyen states:


The use of isolation and restraints is defined in article 118.1 of An Act respecting health services and social services. This article governs the use of force, isolation, or mechanical means or chemicals to place a person under control. It specifies that the use of such methods must be minimal and resorted to only exceptionally. The means used must take into account the physical and mental state of the person, and be used solely to prevent the person from hurting himself or someone else. The law requires that professionals who use such means include in the user’s file a detailed description of the way the person was acting and the circumstances of the event. All institutions are required to have a protocol for applying such measures and must distribute it to their staff” 5

When it comes to duration of time, The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) states:Restraints should be used only for the shortest time when prevention, de-escalation and crisis management strategies have failed to keep the individual and others safe.” 6

Criminal Code (RSC , 1985, c. C-46)

The Criminal Code does not contain the specific offence of “elder abuse”, but certain types of elder abuse can be a crime and as such, are punishable under the Code. These may include: (a) Neglect, including negligence causing bodily harm or the failure to provide the necessities of life; (b) Uttering threats; (c) Criminal harassment; (d) Theft of power of attorney; (e) Fraud; and (f) Theft;


Confinement against one’s will.

There are offenses relating to kidnapping and unlawful confinement. Such are found in Part VIII of the Criminal Code. Section 279 (1) is reproduced as follows.


279 (1) Every person commits an offence who kidnaps a person with intent(a) to cause the person to be confined or imprisoned against the person’s will;(b) to cause the person to be unlawfully sent or transported out of Canada against the person’s will; or(c) to hold the person for ransom or to service against the person’s will.”

Exploiting an elderly person.

Art. 48 of Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (C-12) is reproduced as follows:

48. Toute personne âgée ou toute personne handicapée a droit d’être protégée contre toute forme d’exploitation.Telle personne a aussi droit à la protection et à la sécurité que doivent lui apporter sa famille ou les personnes qui en tiennent lieu.1975, c. 6, a. 48; 1978, c. 7, a. 113.”

Accordingly, an aged person needs to be protected from exploitation. Over and above he/she is entitled to protection and security – read security of the person. There’s also a person’s right to peace. It’s noteworthy that  the fundamental human rights recognized by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms supersede other rules of law.


I am a member of the ‘sandwich’ generation, that group that must simultaneously care for elderly parents and support children.” – Sandra Tsing Loh 7



Here’s a sampling of the Case Law from Québec.

R. c. Riendeau 2007 QCCQ 921

The Riendeau case is notable for its reference to the language of rights. The judge frames violence against the elderly as the violation of a right to peace and security:

 « Il me semble pourtant que les personnes âgées ont le droit de vivre les dernières années de leur vie dans la sécurité, dans la paix et dans la quiétude de leur domicile, sans des séquelles semblables à celles qui marqueront à tout jamais les victimes de l’accusé. » (Paragraph 40)

This language makes sense insofar as the closest thing to a definition of elder abuse in Québec’s provincial laws is in the Charte des droits et libertés de la personne,

Vulnerability is a part of the equation. The judge in R. c. Riendeau: wrote,

« Ces séquelles démontrent suffisamment, à mon avis, les conséquences malheureuses et inacceptables que des événements qui nous intéressent peuvent avoir chez des victimes innocentes, particulièrement pour des personnes âgées, par définition, vulnérables et sans défense. » (Paragraph 78)

For me, vulnerability is an aggregating factor in assessing the behavior.

Unintended Consequences.

R. c. Bikao 2007 QCCQ 7297 

Intent is not always required. The judge in R c. Bikao wrote,

« On parle d’une vie anéantie, du rêve brisé d’une retraite dorée. Monsieur Papillon doit maintenant s’occuper de sa femme en perte d’autonomie suite à l’AVC. Cet accident vasculaire cérébral n’était peut-être pas prévisible pour l’accusé, mais lorsqu’on s’attaque à des personnes âgées, tout peut arriver et on doit en assumer les conséquences. »(Paragraph 35)

Identifying Elder Abuse

On June 14, 2024, There was a astatement made by Ministers O’Regan and Saks, marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Hereinafter is an extract.

Elder abuse is a crime that can take many forms. Canada joins countries around the globe on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in speaking out against this mistreatment so we can improve the safety and well-being of our parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends. Elder abuse is any deliberate behaviour, attitude or speech by a person a senior trusts—such as a family member, friend or caregiver—that causes or is likely to cause psychological, physical, sexual or financial harm or distress to an older adult. It can be hard to recognize elder abuse. But we all have a role in stopping it. Signs can include sudden changes in appearance or behaviour, unexplained injuries or financial changes, conflicts with caregivers, or poor hygiene and health care.” 8

Want to learn more? Here’s some great resources.

* Mistreatment of Older Persons: Federal Policy Definition – Explanatory Document

So What Does One Do?

Everyone witnessing elder abuse should act while using reasonable care. In the instance of physical violence, this is usually a matter for the police. Without delay, please call 911 or your local emergency service and report the wrongdoing.


Are you a perpetrator of elder abuse? Watch out. Victimizing the elderly is despicable! It’s also against the law.” – Allan Gold



We have laws. There are prohibitions against illegal acts. But the average person doesn’t always know what constitutes unacceptable behavior vis-a-vis seniors. When it comes to elder abuse, I hope the foregoing helps to clarify some things. Timely information is critical. Knowledge is power. Whether you witness an aged loved one being abused, you can be an everyday hero, making a real difference. The same goes, if and when, an elderly victim makes an appearance in your life.

One last point – I’ve read about people shading their behavior as being a “little light elder abuse.” Let’s be clear. Society has zero tolerance for any elder abuse in any form and to whatever degree!

Allan Gold, lawyer Montreal and elder law attorney

! Call to action: To every attorney in the field, I say, “Write a post/article. Let’s help seniors & their families become better informed about elder law Canada! And by the way, please send it along. I’d love to read it.”

NOTICE – CAUTION –DISCLAIMER. The material provided herein is of a general nature, strictly for informational purposes. The interpretation and analysis is not to be misapplied to a personal situation with a particular set of facts. Under no circumstances, are the herein suggestions and tips, intended to bring a reader to the point of acting or not acting, but instead, the hope is that they are to be a cause for pause and reflection. It is specifically declared that this content is not to be a replacement of, or a substitution for, legal or any other appropriate advice. To the contrary, for more information on these presents, related subjects or any other questions, it is the express recommendation of the author that everyone seek out and consult a qualified professional or competent adviser.

1. © Allan Gold









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